Deliberate Ignorance: The “Whens” and the “Whys” of not wanting to know
In the age of information, Ignorance Is a choice and knowledge is gold. However, sometimes we opt for deliberate ignorance even if the information is free. Why?
Why we're all behavioral economists
In the age of information, Ignorance Is a choice and knowledge is gold. However, sometimes we opt for deliberate ignorance even if the information is free. Why?
Nature or Nurture, this is the dilemma. Or not? Let’s dive deep into this fascinating topic and take a look at interesting findings from seminal experimental studies conducted in the field of Neuroeconomics and Neuromarketing.
We leverage the Scarcity Heuristics in UX design when we want to prompt users to buy right now by leveraging the impulse to place more value on what is considered limited in quantity, time or accessibility. Anticipatory regret as well plays a huge role in this context.